01452 700 340      admin@ashleworth.gloucs.sch.uk

'respected and nurtured for uniqueness'

Romans 12:6

Collective worship is the heartbeat of our school.

The Worship Team, made up from Key Stage 2 pupils, always open the welcome at our daily Collective Worship. The team light candles and introduce the assembly, with a focus on the term’s value. These children take pride in their role as models for Christian values within the school.

Spirituality runs through the life of our school, with opportunity for children to express their feelings, without fear of judgment, through the Ows, Wows and Nows, where understanding and reasoning are celebrated.

Vicar John joins us for worship regularly throughout the term, and the Open the Book team produce a series of short films exploring themes linked to our Christian Values, which are also used in our Collective Worship.

Once a week, stories of inclusion, tolerance and acceptance are explored in a dedicated ‘No Outsiders’ assembly, exploring the theme of ‘All different, All welcome’. Children become confident in sharing their views and ideas surrounding these subjects, and quickly become aware of the essential role they play in today’s multicultural society.

‘Ows’ are the things that can go wrong in life. They can knock the breath out of you.
‘Wows’ are the awe and wonder moments.
‘Nows’ are the everyday and ordinary times – God is not just for emergencies!


Our School Prayer

Dear God,

Help me serve those in our community.

Give me the strength to persevere even when things are tricky.

Remind me to thank the people who care and love me.

Teach me to be honest and to be truthful.

Let us respect the environment around us to those who share it.

Please show us how to be fair and kind to others.


Our Lord,
