01452 700 340      admin@ashleworth.gloucs.sch.uk

'respected and nurtured for uniqueness'

Romans 12:6

At Ashleworth Church of England Primary School, opportunities for spiritual development are embedded across the curriculum to provide children with a breath of experiences in which they can reflect on and explore how they relate. To help children flourish both academically and spiritually, we have use the Wows, Ows and Nows to enable children to wonder, reflect and respond to different experiences that could provide spiritual opportunities. This model is also used within our collective worship, to help teach children about the 12 values and the Christian faith.

Lessons are created alongside the Gloucestershire RE Syllabus and Understanding Christianity.  Each term a big question acts as the foundation for learning.  Both KS1 and KS2 lessons are taught using a 2 year rolling programme with Years 3 /4 and Years 5/6 being taught separately.  KS1 is taught collectively.

Children are encourage to talk about their understanding of what is being taught and to know that any contribution is valid.  The aim is for them to come to their own acceptance or not, of Christianity.

Our 12 values:

Compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, justice, perseverance, respect, service, thankfulness, trust and truthfulness

pdf RE Policy  

RE 1