Hello and welcome to Class 2
pdf Spring Term Overview 2024 -2025
pdf Autumn Term Overview 24 - 25
pdf Parent Overview Autumn 2023
Below are some links to websites to support your childs learning:
Maths games and resources to support your child’s learning:
Purple Mash – Purple Mash is an excellent website which offers a range of activities for the children to complete, including quizzes, tests and games. Purple Mash can support spellings, topic work, computing and also maths. Monster multiplication is a great game on Purple Mash where the children can practice their times tables. Your child will be familiar with this website and can practice what they are learning in school, using the quizzes and games to help. If your child has forgotten their username or password for Purple Mash, please ask the school for it.
Times Table Simulator - This is an ‘online times tables test’ which will improve your child’s recall of their times tables.
Top Marks – Top Marks is an excellent website which covers all topics in maths. It includes a lot of games for the children to play, so they do enjoy learning through play! My favourite game on here is ‘Tommy’s Trek’.
Maths Frame - Maths frame is a great website offering maths games to support your child’s understanding of the four operations (multiplication, division, subtraction and addition).
NRICH - NRICH is a fantastic resource which offers problem solving games and challenges.
SATs papers - For Y6 parents: Please see practice SATS papers online.
English games and resources to support your child’s learning:
SATs papers - For Y6 parents: Please see practice SATS papers online. These include spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as reading papers.
Purple Mash – Purple Mash is an excellent website which offers a range of activities for the children to complete, including spelling tests, reading tests and writing activities/tasks. If your child has forgotten their username or password for Purple Mash, please ask me and I will get it for you.
Top Marks– Excellent to support spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Oxford Owl - Get access to 250+ e-books to support reading!
Literacy Shed - Great resource to support writing activities.
Oxford Owl Spelling Word List Y3 & Y4 - Year 3 and 4 National Curriculum spelling words.
Oxford Owl Spelling Word List Y5 & Y6 - Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum spelling words.